Nat20 Slime Co is the brainchild of Dominic Nagorny, a very precocious gaming 4 y/o.

While he’s been going to gaming conventions his entire life, he more recently has decided that his dream is to buy a gaming convention. Yes, we know this is a big, and to most, unrealistic, dream, but we want to let him try to succeed. When asked how he could afford something like that, he said that he needed to make money. How could he do that? Well, he wants to sell his own designer slime just like he does in one of his app games. Nat20 Slime Co was born!

He comes up with the ideas, figures out what colors and such it will take to make them, and then we try to make those a reality. They don’t always turn out but that’s part of the learning process. Each time we develop a new type of slime, it can take multiple batches to get the consistency just right and ready to go. He finds inspiration all around him but mostly from games he enjoys playing/watching or movies we see. Being a gaming family, there are some pretty nerdy slimes!

When we were talking about how to set this up, the question came up regarding what he would do to give back as he sold his slime and he decided that $1 from each jar sold regardless of size would go to charity. His current charity of choice is the Washington County Humane Society in Slinger, Wisconsin. The reason he chose this one is we foster for them and just a couple weeks ago, he adopted his very first kitty that is all his and he wanted to help others like his Teo find their forever homes.

If you like slime, please help support us on our journey. For now, we are only available in person at conventions where Sleeping Dragon Games is vending but we hope to have online sales available soon. To Nat20 Slime’s journey and where we’ll be, like us on Facebook and Instagram!